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Mainland China's panda diplomacy trails with Lian Zhan's recent trip from Taiwan in an effort to defrost cross strait relationship. Panda, with its irresistable heart grabbing poor looking eyes, melts away the toughest souls.

Incidentally, there are two ways to call this cat-bear-like cute creature in Chinese. Bear-cat is overwhelmingly used in Mainland China, while Cat-bear is mostly uttered in Taiwan. Apparently, Taiwan has the sober state of mind.

You see, that, milk-fish and cat-fish and gold-fish are types of fish; sausage-dog and bull-dog and sheep-dog are breeds of dog: Panda belongs to the bear family, not cat, can't be more intuitive.


Let me put it this way, IT specialists focusing on banking systems are basically different from banking staffs assigned to IT posts. All kinds of species would look for the best breeding environment as they see fit, so as to ensure prospering for generations to come. That might be the root cause why these two types of professionals survive awkwardly when being transplanted to the counterpart's job. Professionals/managers from IT company recruited as banking CIOs, banking IT staffs switch careers to IT firms, don't fair well mostly.

However, for those strong-willed challengers, this is the way to a prominent success, for cross-over talents are fiercely sought after all the time.


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